Subscribe with Bloglines Greg's Photo Diary - the 365 project: Bad Moon Rising 16/365

Friday, 29 January 2010

Bad Moon Rising 16/365

Bad Moon Rising 16/365
Originally uploaded by gregcsmith
Beautiful (almost) full moon tonight.

This was taken with my 2x converter on the sigma 120-400mm.

As usual when shooting a full moon I got very little detail, but I always love a moon picture. Hope you do too!

Been having some IT problems, so thought I would run a time machine back up, do an erase and install and recovery all my info from my time capsule. However, loading up iphoto today, I realised that all my shots from the last 4 days were not saved. Highlights the need to backup in more than one location. At least I could still get the shots I posted on flickr. ;-(

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