Subscribe with Bloglines Greg's Photo Diary - the 365 project: If you want people to read your blog, mention a Macbook in your title.

Thursday, 26 April 2007

If you want people to read your blog, mention a Macbook in your title.

I saw this building when walking to the bank on my way to work this morning. I had to pull out the D70 and take a shot.

It really does not do the scene justice, but hey ho, it was the only shot I had time to take today. Work is a bit hectic. Think I will post one of my favourite shots tomorrow. It is currently my desktop picture.

See you tomorrow.

PS for any bloggers out there, I had more than triple the normal amount of people visit my blog yesterday all because I wrote about a problem with my macbook. Thanks to Dan from Macworld for the solution.

Feel free tom email me if you are interested in what it is.


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