Subscribe with Bloglines Greg's Photo Diary - the 365 project: Milk Splash 31/365

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Milk Splash 31/365

Milk Splash 31/365
Originally uploaded by gregcsmith
I had to give drop photography another whirl today. This time I decided to use milk instead of water!

A couple of things learnt:

1. Milk is far messier (did I spell that right?) than water
2. Food colouring is even more messy than milk.

3. Using just milk results in fairly boring images. Maybe a flash gel or coloured back grounds will make a difference.

4. I need to use a infra red flash trigger instead of the built in flash to trigger the remote speedgun. The straight on flash just causes noise!

5. An assistant is needed and timing is extremely difficult. The more I do this, the more in awe I am of those people that produce those amazing images!

I think this is the best of the bunch, but please have a look at my others and let me know what you think!

Strobist Info:

SB 600 set behind the drop pointing to the right and reflected of a white (now with blue and red spots) canvas.
Fired using the built in flash.

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