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Saturday, 11 October 2008

Creating Panoramas

In the past I have created a few panaoramas from the shots I have taken. I even purchased some software to do it. I had a copy of CS2 but had no idea how to use it. I recently upgraded from Tiger to Leopard OS on my mac - what a great operating system. The only two downside are, 1. Ical has a few changes which just suck and 2. CS2 is not supported. So managed to buy a copy of CS3 so am all set. Anyway my results in the past were quite disappointing. I thought it was me not having the skill with the software, but it really does come down to the skill with the camera. When you point there are always three fingers pointing back at you...:-)

Anyway, I recently bought a book - "The Digital Photography Book" by Scott Kelby. This book is not going to win the most Technical photography book of the year prize, but does give some simple and straightforward tips on how to take certain types of shots. It is written in the style of "if I was out on a shoot with Scott he would say, "dial it to this mode, set your shutter speed to this, take the shot, then do this and viola!!"

Anyway, followed his Pano instructions partially and this photo is the result...not bad.

The trick to getting the exposure and focus correct is to set up on a tripod, Take the first shot and then take the others in manual mode, so the focus and settings remain fixed. Scott has some more detailed instructions, which I will attempt at another time and post the results and the other instructions then.


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